
Friday, 10 June 2011

a flight Booked

Saya sudah berada dalam senarai penumpang sebuah penerbangan. HoOray?

hahahha. musti nak tau pergi mana, kan?

okay. okay. It's no fun to just TELL where i'm going to, right? SO, here are the clueS!

1. It's a free ticket (^^)! Yiippie! Time ni musti ada yang dah meluap-luap rasa nak tahu cemana boleh dapat tiket flight free. hehhe.

2. The problem is, i dunno bout the time and date. NOpe, the flight agency won't give me a call. Sigh! Should get prepared coz it could be... any time from now.

3. Kalau di Malaysia, kita asyik komplen pasal bas lewat, flight lewat etc... But dear friends, this won't happen with this flight. TRUST me on this one. They are so punctual, even to the seconds!

4. Extra baggage is not allowed i think... but maximum weight, is up to The Owner of the flight agency. So, yeah, need to keep a close contact :)

5. AH! need to wear an attire ... from plain white cloth.

6. Pasport ready. must be stamped with these letters: I. S. L. A. M. WOw! imagine how many countries i could travel to with only these letters.

7. Visa? Dude, it's FOrEva!

8. Did i tell you dat it's a one-way ticket?

9. I just hope dat i could get through the immigression officers; i only know their names--> Munkar n Nakir. D'you know 'em? Heard that they are very strict, and fierce (T.T)

10. oh! Our transit is at Al-Barzakh.

11. Sorry. should have told you the flight name earlier: It's AL-JENAZAH.

i think you've got it... my destination: it's THE HEREAFTER...

ah! NOw I remember! Your name is on the list too. but i dunno exactly when your turn is.

so.... HoOray?

Thursday, 9 June 2011

tolong berhenti

Hari itu, aku terlalu hiba. Sedih.

Dia antara pelajar-pelajar di situ.

Belum pandai membaca.

Cuma mengenal huruf.

Kalau menjawab soalan lisan, ekor matanya mengerling pada kawan-kawan sekeliling; rayuan bisu untuk jawapan.

Kalau disuruh berfikir, dia jadi mengantuk. Mindanya tak mampu dipaksa berfikir.

Hari itu, namanya dipanggil.

Dia antara mereka yang meroSakkan diri dengan sebatang racun bernama r.o.k.o.k.

aku jadi sebak.

aku benci racun itu.

dan aku sayang pada pelajar itu.

Orang yang aku sayang merosaKkan diri dengan benda yang aku paLing benci.

Dan mindaku melayang pada ibunya. Dadaku jadi sempit membayangkan reaksi ibunya, andai wanita itu tahu apa yang anaknya lakukan.

Tolong berhenti. Titik.