
Friday 16 January 2009

why should i fear you when i know Allah protects the al-haq?

why should i fear you, when i'm telling you the truth? i can't force you to accept everything i said, because only Allah will give the 'hidayah' to anyone He wants. If i did not give you a prompt answer, it doesn't mean i agreed with you. I just need some time to organise my thoughts into words. Telling something is easy. But to make it 'digestable' for your brain, the messages should be presented in a wavelength suitable for your brain. I fear that any slip of tongue i made would torn the image of my beloved Islam; what more can i expect from someone persistent like you who's more than willing trying to highlight any unfortunate Muslim. I love my religion, I love my Creator. I seek only for Allah's protection; Ya Allah, protect me from fitnah.

1 komentar:


Salamun 'alayk. Insya Allah, we tried our very best to protect islam because it is the religion of truth.

"Maka berilah peringatan, kerana sesungguhnya engkau (Muhammad) hanyalah pemberi peringatan; engkau bukanlah orang yang berkuasa atas mereka" [al-Ghasyiyah:21-22]

"Sungguh, (ayat-ayat) ini adalah peringatan, maka barang siapa menghendaki (kebaikan bagi dirinya) tentu dia mengambil jalan menuju Tuhannya; Tetapi kamu tidak mampu (menempuh jalan itu) kecuali apabila dikendaki Allah. Sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui Maha bijaksana; Dia memasukkan siapa pun yang Dia kehendaki ke dalam rahmat-Nya (syurga). Adapun bagi orang-orang zalim di sediakannya azab yang pedih" [al-Mursalat:29-31]

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Rasulullah s.a.w.
Allahumma najjini minal kaumizzholimin. Allahumma yassir wa la tu'assir ya kareem. Rabbana taqqabbal minna innaka antassami'ul aliim, watub'alaina innaka antattawwaburraheem.
ameen ya Rahman. Ameen ya Rahim.


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