
Wednesday, 31 December 2008

trivia 1

tahukah anda....
dalam ilmu matematik, ada 2 nombor yang dianggap sebagai 'perfect number'.
nombor 6 dan 28.
sebab apa?
sebab, faktor-faktor nombor tersebut kalau ditambah, akan menghasilkan nombor itu!

err...pening la...bagi dalam bentuk matematik boleh?

ok, here it goes...

faktor bagi 6: 1, 2 dan 3
1+2+3 = 6!

faktor bagi 28: 1, 2, 4, 7, 14
1+2+4+7+14 = 28!


ok, ok. Then? Tak menarik pun cerita pasal perfect number ni ishk...

jap la. tak abes cerita. ok. Tahu tak nombor 6 dan 28 ni sangat penting bagi kita orang Islam? Betapa sempurnanya Allah tu sampai nak cipta alam ni pun Allah pilih nombor yang sempurna. Allah cipta alam dalam masa 6 hari.

Lepas tu, Allah buat bulan tu kena beredar mengelilingi bumi dalam tempoh 28 hari pulak. Tak kagum ke? Subhanallah.


Kenapa 6? Kenapa 28?
SEBAB ALLAH tu Maha Sempurna, Maha Mengetahui, Maha Bijaksana. Mestilah Dia tahu terlebih rahsia dia sebalik kejadian alam yang Dia buat. Cuma manusia yang berfikir je dapat kenal Allah. Kan Allah kata, lihatlah alam dan berfikirlah tentang kejadian alam. Tentu kau akan lebih dekat pada-Nya.

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Q & A: 1

Q: Why are you a muslim?
A: I dunno. i think i just got lucky hehe

Q: So, be a muslim is something good?
A: Yeah. err, any reason it shouldn't be good?

Q: Well, as you can see, there are many muslims who have been convicted to crimes around the globe. That should be a reason being a muslim is not something good.
A: Well, as you can see, there are MANY PEOPLE being convicted to crimes around the globe. But, most of the non-muslims manage to escape because people chose not to care about them. Somehow, in every religion, there are bad people. You can't judge a religion solely based on it's follower. You need to see the content of the religion. In doing justice, you must not be biased. But in many cases that involved muslims, the world chose to be unjust.

Q: Ok, Ok. Being unjust? For example?
A: Hmm, how about this. Your mother gave you an apple. And then, at school, you met me, who didn't have anything to eat. A man asked you to give me a bite of it. You didn't want to, because it's yours. But the man forced you to give me a bite of the apple. You finally gave it to me. But then, I grew greedier and wanted more of the apple. And the man forced you to give more of the apple to me....

Q: Hey! That's unfair! It's mine, why must I give it to you? and the man was not being fair to me. Why did he follow your desire when he knew the apple was mine?
A: See. You know what being just is. You know how to be fair. Yes, it's true. Forcing someone to give his belongings to someone else is simply being unfair. But, in the case of Palestine and Israel, people chose to be blind and deaf. The Palestinians were forced to give their land to the Jews. Israel was officially on the map on the year 1948, greedily taking the land of the Palestine bits by bits. Now, I couldn't find Palestine officially on the map; but Israel on the ruins of Palestine.

Q: Well, that's a different story.
A: What do you mean by different? Aren't the Palestinians human like us? Like you? Like me? Arent' the Palestinians blood red like us? Like you? Like me? Tell me how different are they from those who died in September 11th. Just because we're muslims, you chose to treat us indifferently.

Q: Err, why are you so upset? Palestine is not your country. You don't know anyone living in Palestine.
A: Owh, wouldn't you be upset if your family being treated like that?

Q: Yeah, IF they're my family.
A: Well, in Islam, the muslims are brothers and sisters. Shouldn't I be sad and angry if my fellow brothers and sisters being harm in such inhuman way? Allah tells us that 'we are not true muslims until we love our brothers and sisters the way we love our own selves'. Allah promises that 'He'll help us as long as we are willing to help our brothers and sisters'.

Q: Owh. Ok, enough with that. Don't you know that muslims always being labelled as terrorist? Aren't you afraid being called a terrorist?
A: Terrorist? That's what the ignorant people called us. Terrorist? What does terrorist mean? It means, the one who creates terror. And, why are you people feel terrified with us?

Q: Because, the muslims will send us bombs and explodes themselves, and cause much harm to the public.
A: Owh. But, you didn't call those who drop the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki terrorist? You didn't call those who openly raped and killed our sisters terrorists? You didn't call those who invade the muslims countries as terrorists? Those whom you didn't call terrorist have created more terror than the muslims. You still don't get it?

Q: What?
A: That you are seeing the world in a biased perspective. How can you be fair then? You already decides that muslims are always bad and those who go against the muslims are good. See the reasons for the muslims fights. They are just trying to protect their home, their family, their pride and dignity, and their belief; they fight with their lives.

Q: But...
A: But?

Q: But, they'll die. They don't have equipments that can match their enemy. And, they would not gain anything from this war.
A: Their firm belief to God is their weapon. That's why no enemy can defeat the muslims who fight. The mujahideen are not looking for the worldly materials; they are looking for Allah's jannah. And that is more than enough to be the cause of their fights.


Sunday, 28 December 2008

PMS 2008

Perhimpunan Musim Sejuk 2008 dah berakhir; kem 4 hari di Loch Lomond, Scotland, akhirnya tiba di penghujungnya. Saudara-saudara seagama dari Czech Republik, Poland, United Kingdom, Malaysia berkumpul di sana. Alhamdulillah, Allah telah pilih kami untuk mengikuti program ini. Alhamdulillah. Daripada ribuan pelajar Muslim Malaysia yang ada, lebih kurang 300 orang sahaja yang Allah benarkan hadir.

Ada ramai tokoh ilmuwan yang dijemput hadir.

Dr. Tengku Shahrom Tengku Shahdan
  • menjadi khairan ummati; umat yang terbaik
  • dalam Islam, ummah mengatasi individu
  • bagaimana? - menggalakkan kebaikan, mencegah kemungkaran dan beriman kepada Allah
  • "Because I'm a muslim; God asks me to do my best in everything."- ini jawapan beliau apabila ditanya bagaimana beliau dapat mencapai top list dalam universiti.

Dr. Aiman
  • Syaitans are most weak against those who have done mistakes but repented because syaitan could never win against them; God is most forgiving-Allah will forgive those who repent
  • heart of a muslim: most soft towards brothers and sisters, most pure in belief, most solid in deen.
  • "Why are we not upset when we upset Allah?"

Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
  • "Bukankah ubat kepada kebodohan itu adalah bertanya?"
  • Islam itu luas; tidak terbatas/terbentuk oleh budaya
  • Islam itu mudah; janganlah menjadi orang yag melampaui batas

"Fiqh wanita"
  • "menjadi wanita banyak privilege" hehe
  • larangan memasuki masjid- Rasulullah pernah meminta Aisyah masuk ke dalam masjid ketika Aisyah sedang haid. Aisyah keberatan untuk masuk. Rasulullah bersabda, "Sesungguhnya haid itu bukan di tanganmu". Jadi, boleh masuk masjid dengan ada tujuan.
  • pegang al-qur'an dan baca al-qur'an ketika haid; tidak menjadi masalah
  • potong kuku, potong rambut etc ketika haid; tak jadi masalah :)

Puan Hjh Noor Zaiton Hj. Yahaya
  • accept responsibility for their own education- kena ada rasa tanggungjawab terhadap pendidikan sendiri
  • ask questions- that's the bridge between ignorance and knowledge
  • understand that actions affect learning- personal behaviour affects feelings affects learning
  • be good time managers; don't prorastinate (dush dush! macam kena tembak huhu)
    • time control=life control

Yvonne Ridley
  • oppression around the world towards our brothers and sisters should not be tolerated; Guantanamo Bay, Gaza, Afghanistan, Palestine, Gujerat; being refugees in their own land, that's injustice
  • touched by the verse "Hold fast to the rope of Allah"; berpeganglah kamu pada tali Allah
  • be firm in your belief; if you belief in Allah, no man can harm you
  • seeking for the truth is always challenging; but never stop
Program ini bertujuan membuka mata pelajar-pelajar muslim Malaysia terutamanya bahawa Islam itu luas dan mencakupi semua bidang. Islam itu wajib dijadikan gaya hidup. Dan pentingnya mewujudkan hubungan yang baik sesama manusia, sebab hidup di dunia ini bukan kita sorang-sorang.

syurga dunia

"syurga mereka di dunia"

itu jawapan blogger hamka bilamana ada orang tanya bila orang kafir nak jadi miskin.

Jadi, orang Islam kena yakin; tak apa susah di dunia; sebab kita bukan kejar syurga sementara ni. Kita nak kejar syurga yang kekal tu. Yeah!

Abu bakar r.a., Umar r.a., dan Uthman r. a. contohnya, bukannya berasal dari keluarga yang miskin. Mereka peniaga yang berjaya. Tapi, semua harta mereka dilaburkan untuk jalan dakwah dan demi menegakkan Islam. Sebab mereka yakin bahawa pelaburan mereka yang ikhlas itu, Allah S.W.T. bayar berkali-ganda di akhirat kelak. Sahabat-sahabat juga yakin, kesenangan dan kemewahan di dunia ini tidak kekal dan tak mampu menjamin tiket ke syurga nanti. Malah, mungkin ada hartanya yang akan menjadi fitnah kepada pemiliknya. Faham ke? Huhu

Tapi, Rasulullah s.a.w. tak suruh kita hidup merempat, sebab Rasulullah pernah melarang sahabatnya tidak meninggalkan apa-apa untuk keluarganya. Rasulullah s.a.w. tak suruh kita hidup meminta-minta, sebab itu menyebabkan kita bergantung harap pada manusia. Rasulullah s.a.w. suruh kita rajin berusaha, dan bergantung harap pada Yang Maha Esa sebab urusan rezeki itu dalam pengetahuan Allah semata-mata. Siapa yang Allah nak bagi rezeki lebih, itu Allah punya bicara.

Oya! Rasulullah tak juga suruh kita lupakan dunia, tapi, janganlah sampai dihanyutkan oleh arus dunia. Ingat tu. Perihal orang fakir yang ada pulak, ada sebabnya. Allah tak jadikan sesuatu tanpa sebab. Fakir miskin ni, Allah jadikan mereka sebagai tiket untuk orang kaya masuk syurga. Faham ke? Sebab, macam yang saya cakap kat atas tadi, harta tu kadang-kadang menjadi fitnah ke atas orang yang memilikinya. Jadi, keluarkanlah zakat, supaya dapat membersihkan harta yang kita peroleh itu. Zakat tu pulak akan disalurkan (insyaAllah) kepada orang yang kurang bernasib baik. Orang yang kurang bernasib baik ni pulak, mendoakan kesejahteraan orang-orang yang menyalurkan duit tu...sekian. Lebih kurang macam tu la jalan ceritanya. Jadi, kalau dapat rezeki lebih, janganlah buat dunno je kat orang yang kurang bernasib baik; mungkin dalam rezeki yang kita peroleh itu ada bahagian-bahagian mereka. Wallahua'lam.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

being me

At this age, it's very frustrating when i'm still struggling in finding my own identity. All i know, what I am now is just a copy of other people that i have met.

It's good to be flexible and be tolerant and just forget about who you are. But, the truth is, I never could find solace by doing that. Sometimes, people ask you to change, but it's very hard coz it's inborn within you.

I know I tend to act the way the society wants me to act in front of them. Sometimes, I managed to fit into this social groups, most of the times, I failed miserably. Because I was not being myself.

Now I understand, I am unique in my own way. My friends are unique in their own ways. Being together doesn't imply the idea of being 100% similar to one another. I understand that I am part of a complete puzzle; I'm just a piece that completes the puzzle hehe. None of the pieces is identical; so do we.

I feel free to be myself. God loves me for being myself, because He's the one who created me. Living to meet the people's expectation is hard enough; why don't I just live to God's expectation then? kan senang...hehe..amin.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

did i say goodbye just now?

Did i say 'good-bye' to anyone just now? I didn't mean it, seriously. The only right phraseS i intended to say just now were "take care", "till we meet again", "keep on fighting!", and "all the best!"...nothing less than that...


Funny. We stormed in the seniors' houses minutes after their departure. Good things should be shared. Heheh. Okay, i took lots of food....A LOT. huhu.Halalkan ye.


Rasa tak best pulak...Alkisahnya, tadi saya nangis-nangis. Lepas tu, muram bertukar rupa; saya jadi budak yang sugar-high keluar masuk rumah-rumah yang ditinggalkan orang nih. Saya memang jenis pelupa. Lupa yang saya sedih tadi. Ishk. Apekejadahnye? hahaha cis! I shouldn't be sad just now. But the truth is, departure between friends hurts. It hurts coz you're breaking your soul apart...


How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ~Carol Sobieski and Thomas Meehan, Annie


You and I will meet again
When we're least expecting it
One day in some far off place
I will recognize your face
I won't say goodbye my friend
For you and I will meet again
~Tom Petty

Friday, 19 December 2008

when the wind blows, i just pray that you miss me too

cepatnya masa berlalu. Saya rasa saya baru je tidur semalam, tup tup dah tengah hari...
The Cohort 3 seniors are going back to Malaysia, tomorrow
and I'm here struggling to find the right soothing words to cover my sorrow.
I can't say that I've spent a lot of time with them i bet
and that's one of my many regrets.

but I have my own reason for not being able to visit their houses often...
especially House 30 and 31...who were more than willing preparing us meals for the first few days of our arrival in Plymouth.
I remembered everyone was in their sleeping attire, heavy eyelids aka drowsy eyes, still sleepy. But they gave us a warm welcome into their houses. Yup! I woke them up at 8 asking for breakfast...shame on me~~ Ye la, breakfast in Malaysia is usually at 7-8am. So I thought here is the same. hehe.


On the 17th December, Tiku, Myra and me went to House 31. Along the way, I just wished Tiku or Myra could just lead the conversation with the House 31 residents. because I could not find the right expression nor the right words to show to the seniors. I just want to feel their warmth and kindness for the very last time; just to lay my eyes upon them in person... (i know this para sounds a bit weird, but that's exactly what's inside my heart)... The conversation there on that very day often filled with awkward silence. I hate that. because when silence crept in, you're allowing yourself to be affected with your feelings...i saw someone who's trying to cover her teary eyes. and I hate that. because she left me with a sad image. and I know, I also bid them goodbye with a disturbed emotion presented via my solemn face. i hate that too.


i know, two years time in oversea is too short if you just waste the time. Nevertheless, time flies faster when you enjoy every bit, every second of it. The only difference you can make is to create many beautiful memories while you still have the time...


till now, i still could not organize my thought...i don't know what to say to the beloved seniors nor what to give when i bid them farewell. I don't know when we can meet again like this anymore. But i just hope we will keep in touch...internet... :P

Friday, 12 December 2008

killing me softly with your words...and insignificant stories

saya rasa saya banyak cakap...dengan orang-orang tertentu.
kadang-kadang, saya rasa saya cakap terlampau banyak sampai orang lain muak mendengar.
Ishk...tak tahulah persepsi orang lain macam mana. (><)

1.Ada orang memang peramah...ada aje bende dia nak cerita...

2. Ada orang menggunakan sesi perbualan tuh untuk meluahkan perasaan dan sekadar ingin berkongsi kisah-kisah hidup seharian.

3. Ada orang terpaksa bercakap supaya situasi tak menjadi awkward.

4. Ada orang paksa diri bercakap sebab dia takut dia tak ada kawan (mencari sense of belonging).

5. Ada orang ...kalau bercakap tak mahu berhenti dan sentiasa mahu menjadi subjek tumpuan orang ramai...konon dia lah paling pandai dalam topik tuh haish...dan paling tak tahan kalau tak bagi can langsung untuk orang lain mencelah (hish, nak kena sekeh baru faham nih). Owh! Kalau macam nih bukan perbualan la maknanya...ini lecture versi tak formal yahaha!

Tapi yang saya tahu, kalau saya pendengar, saya sendiri jadi bosan kalau cuma satu pihak bercerita.
I mean, saya boleh menjadi pendengar yang baik, tapi attention span yang pendek menyukarkan saya muahhahahha...

Kelakarnye, dalam sesi lecture, tindakan luar kawal sering cuba menyatakan tanda-tanda apabila kita kebosanan. Tak berniat pun kadang-kadang, tapi terzahir juga melalui perbuatan:

1. Menguap...kadang-kadang otak tak cukup oksigen nih, and dah hilang fokus dengan apa yang kawan saya tengah duk cakap.

2. Pandang kiri kanan...mencari subjek baru supaya minda boleh kembali fokus.

3. Mata jadi besar dan lubang hidung kembang...ini tandanya tengah menguap jurus tutup mulut.

4. Mata tengok lurus ke arah orang yang tengah bercakap (untuk tempoh yang lama). Ini pandangan dia dah tembus ke belakang dinding da...

5. Jawapan-jawapan pendek seperti: "Ok", "Hm", "Ok Ok" etc dan diselangi dengan suasana senyap yang pelik...

Somehow, I know I can be boring (ye ye , saya tahu beza 'bored' dan 'boring'). It's because sometimes I kept on talking for hours and failed to notice the listeners' body language of being bored. Sometimes, I just can't stop though I noticed the signs which left the listeners' cursing silently hehehe.

Saya tahu ramai kawan-kawan saya tak sanggup/sampai hati nak mengakhiri perbualan yag boring. Ishk, menjaga hati betul la diorang nih. Sampai kadang-kadang, dah lenguh kaki berdiri pun tak sanggup nak cakap 'stop' kat orang di hujung talian. Kadang-kadang dah panas cuping telinga, tapi masih cuba bertahan mendengar cerita-cerita bohsan orang tu. Saya boelh naik lelah kalau saya cuba bertahan macam nih. ishk.


hahaha. Nasib baik saya cuma perlu taip dan korang sendiri ada hak memilih untuk membaca entry-entry dalam blog ni. Walaupun bosan, tapi korang still ada pilihan nak terusakan membacanya atau tidak. Berlainan dengan bercakap dan mendengar. Ada ketika menjadi pendengar tidak memberikan kita kebebasan untuk bertindak mengikut suka hati kita heheh. Terima kasih sebab sudi meluangkan masa 'membaca' ...peace.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

esainmen dah hantar tadi petang..yeah!

Semalam bukan pergi main dekat Swansea da...dekat Glamorgan, Wales. Lagi kampung daripada Plymouth ni ha. Pagi semalam jalan-jalan di sekitar Kolej sangat licin; ade la beberapa kawan saya yang saye nampak tergelincir. Sorang tuh berjaya jatuh dengan gaya yang sangat bersopan; jatuh bersimpuh kalau tak silap mata saya eheheh (bley masuk Pencarian Gadis Melayu nih.) Lagi sorang, emmm, jatuh tanpa apa-apa persediaan; tapi dia nih sibuk nak cek raket dia dulu...adus...Ajaib, seluar dia tak koyak walopun lutut dia ade scratch (lepas nih bley tanye dia mana beli seluar tuh; bley pakai buat panjat gunung hehe).
Pertama kali la semalam saya merasai betapa payahnye nak berjalan kalau jalan diselaputi ais (pegi skating tak payah la nak compare ishk). Asyik-asyik nak jatuh, nak jatuh asyik-asyik. Macam nak panjat Gunung Sinai, cuma gunung tuh licin disebabkan pasir-pasir. Dan, kalau jatuh, ngeri wooo..silap-silap jatuh dalam gaung wwAA~. Alkisahnya kat Marjon nih, sebab takut jatuh, saya pun jalan berpegangan tangan dengan cik Moon...wakakaka hehehe heheh...sorry, tak dapat tahan gelak bila teringat kitorang tak mampu nak daki jalan yang sedikit curam kat dalam kawasan perumahan nih...susah-payah nak naik jalan tuh, alih-alih kitorang perlahan-lahan terlurut ke bawah sebab kasut xde grip hehe. Ala-ala main gelongsor. Last resort, jalan atas rumput. Kotor kasut pun, tak apa la. Pasrah je. Lebih rela kotor kasut daripada kotor muka.. hehe.
Semalam cik Tiku lawan badminton untuk pertama kalinya; dan dia main untuk singles. She did better than me...taaabik! Tremendous effort, i should say. Best, best. Oh! Kitorang seri dengan Glamorgan. 4-4. Game seterusnya, bulan Januari tahun depan. Nantikan yahaha!
Saya ada satu soalan. Adakah semua orang kat sini menjadi saangat baik hati disebabkan cuti Krismas yang mendatang nih? Christmas spirit kah? Esainmen saya tadi pun mak cik dekat kaunter tu tolong. Hantar buku lambat kat library pun tak kena denda. Bukan 1 buku, 10 buku beb! Mak cik library tuh cakap, "Don't worry. Just forget about it." Apakah?? Err, saya pun sengih je la, ucap "Happy Holliday," kat dia. Pastu keluar dari library tuh. Owh owh! Rewind~ Saya cakap "Happy Holliday." Mak cik tuh sengih balik, dia kata, "No holliday for me until Christmas Eve." Owh...kasihan. Sorang-sorang rupanya kat library yang sunyi tuh. Kalau saya bagi pinjam MP3, rasa-rasanya dapat tak mengubat kesunyian dia? Ada la jugak saya berhajat nak lepak kat library, tapi, tak adalah sepanjang hari. Bagusnya orang kat sini kerja. Kalau saya yang jaga library tuh...hmmm(thinking* thinking*)...hehe nantilah saya fikir saya nak buat apa kalau library tuh ana yang punya hakhakhak.
Met Lesley (my personal tutor) at 5.10pm today. Huhu naseb baik ingat; sepatutnya jumpa dia pukul 5, tapi terlupa langsung sebab duduk browse internet. Naseb baik ada Cohort 3 anta email kat Mamarjon entitled, "To Cohort 3 from Lesley Woodhead". Bila pandang nama Lesley tuh, still blur; saya tahu saya macam ada buat janji dengan Lesley, tapi tak ingat. Pastu, tengok kalendar! Ya Rabbi! "Lesley; 5.00pm" Terus pakai kasut dan lari pegi cari Lesley kat Inted. Naseb baek. A series of fortunate events hehe.
bilik sejuk.
bukan! bukan bilik mayat atau bilik freezer tuh!
oklah, bayangkan bilik korang sejuk macam duduk dalam freezer...apa korang buat?
1) cek heater korang dah on atau belum
2) pakai baju tebal-tebal sebab heater tuh macam ...mcam tak pasang walopun dah dimaksimumkan
3) berbungkus dengan selimut/duvet/sleeping bag
4) ...tutup tingkap...erk?
Cis! patut la sejuk. terlupa tadi bukak tingkap. konon-konon nak segarkan bilik. hampeh asbestos sungguh.
tutup tingkap, main air panas...minum air panas...tido...selamat malam Marjon!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

esainmen anta ari Khamis, ok

Esok last game badminton sebelum cuti Krismas, to Swansea, again. Esok saya aim nak tido dalam bas (kite naik bas ke?), lantak pi la orang nak kata apa; kalau berjaga pun, saya fenin, ana fenin da..
Tadi saya cuba masak asam pedas sotong which, hehehe, x macam asam pedas pun. Now, I think I have to pay the 'price' back. Sotong tu seafood la makcik, kan dah padan muke. Heheheh~ Bila perut dah diisi, lemak naik kat otak, otak jadi lembap. Alkisahnye, terbengkalailah assignment Primary Education dari petang tadi as tuan punya badan konon-konon baring atas katil nak baca buku tapi ended up in dreaming land after a few minutes. Cis, memang bley blah.
Sekarang tengah mencari mode esainmen balik, jadi nih kiranya sebagai warm-up nak menulis karangan Bahasa Inggeris yang panjang tuh. So, peringatan, entry nih tak ade idea yang spesifik sebab tengah dalam proses nak segarkan otak balik. Hentam sajalah, labu. Macam main badminton, kesian cik Tiku kadang-kadang kena tolong saya main satu game as a warm-up. Kalau tak, tak bergerak la saya time berlawan betul-betul. Ishk, esok Tiku dah tak bley tolong ko, Tirah. Ko kene pandai-pandai cari idea warm-up gila-gila tuh...warm-up dengan dinding heheh.
Lepas buat esainmen ICT tadi, barulah saya tahu, semua benda yang bukan milik kita, kita kena bagi kredit. Ingatkan 'perkataan' sahaja yang kita perlu bagi kredit, rupe-rupanye, gambar pun kena...even gambar artis. Owh, lemahnye jari nak pegi cari satu-satu gambar yang saya dah guna dalam blog nih. I'll do it once I've finished all the assignments. Eh, did I give Him credit today? (*bisik-bisik...takkan kat Dia pun kau nak tunggu abes esainmen, mek.)
n.b. 'Mek' dalam loghat Terengganu adalah singkatan kepada 'Semek'. Orang-orang tua suka panggil budak-budak perempuan guna nama nih. Haa, kalau korang tak suka dipanggil Semek, korang just bayangkan 'semek' tuh sebagai kata sinonim dengan 'sayang' yahaha.
Teringat seorang budak bernama Nur Syuhada binti Khairul Anuar. Bley dikategorikan sebagai orang yang suit dengan perkataan moden. Tapi, tiap kali panggil saya, panggil saya 'Mek' hahahha. Layan~I loike hehe.
emmm...(tukar topik) semalam ke raya? dah lupa dah. Aidil Adha tahun nih paling tak senonoh. I mean, tak senonoh untuk saya la. Dekat kalendar pun saya buat tak senonoh. Saya pegi tulis guna marker merah 'ICT assignment' pada tempat yang sama saya tulis 'Id-ul Adha'. Pakai baju kurung pun tak. Adeh. Mira d housemate rajin pegi buat kek. Sedap. Hehe. Dia kata, "Aku rasa tak sedap sebab tak buat apa-apa (persediaan untuk Raya Haji nih). At least, buat je la satu kek."
Wohoo. jap. kalau saya kopi pes entry kali nih, agak-agak cukup tak satu mukasurat Words? ok. Len kali saya sambung cerita. Adios amigos. Peace.

cerita raket

Raket patah...ishk!

Raket lagi satu blom restring...double ishk!

Raket aku guna sekarang tension x best...triple ishk...(dah malas nak letak tanda seru coz dah pasrah...)

Apakah ini petanda? setiap kali nak dekat dengan perlawanan @ a couple of days before the game, mesti ada benda terjadi berkaitan dengan raket yang saya nak guna. >.<

Mungkin it just a way for Him to tell me that i don't need to rely on expensive/good racket to play well. If I'm very skilled, I can beat just anyone with just an ordinary racket. Huhu...

Raket yang patah tu adalah raket yang sangat ringan dan sangat best grip dia. Wooowoo. Ibu saya cakap, "Tak apalah. Kan ada lagi satu yang sama kan?"..ha'ah. Tapi raket yang sama tuh belum restring lagi. Pernah dengar jenama 'Proace'? Tulis kat raket 'Proace England'. Tapi, tak pernah pun saya nampak kedai kat sini jual raket badminton jenama Proace nih. ishk. Kesian Afiq. Dia duduk berangan raket Proace kat England nih murah; sekali, tak ada kedai pun jual hahahha...what the fish.

"a good workman never blames his tools for making mistakes."

Saturday, 6 December 2008

namaku Basirah

Dear kawan-kawan,

saya mintak tolong pronounce nama saya betul2 lain kali...

bila sebut nama penuh saye, which is Athirah Basirah Dahman tuh, sila amik perhatian terhadap ejaan 'BASIRAH'.

baru lepas dengar surah Al-Qiyama, ayat 24 yg berbunyi:

(وَوُجُوهٌ۬ يَوۡمَٮِٕذِۭ بَاسِرَةٌ۬ (٢٤

dan maksudnye:
And some faces, that Day, will be Bâsirah (dark, gloomy, frowning, and sad), (24)

perhatian!!!! my name should be pronounced as 'basirah' yang mana 's' itu dibunyikan sebagaimana huruf 'sod'...harap maklum...

woooooo~~(aku tak mau jadik seseorang dengan wajah 'dark, gloomy, frowning, and sad)... entah dah berape ramai yang doakan aku sedemikian rupe bilamana diorang sebut nama aku ....sedihnye...sedey sedey...

(p.s. Nadhirah = shining and radiant.... (Al-Qiyama: 22)..bersyukurlah Nad, org selalu menyebut nama Nad dengan betul eheh, pasal tu la hang selalu berseri-seri)

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

gangguan x best

i don't remember since when i started to accept friend request from strangers, especially from guys. i thought they could be harmless.

well, i thought wrong! and dear girl friends, please just be aware of friend request from guys you don't even know via the electronic medias, especially on SKYPE. they're just a bunch of people who don't have any better things to do. okay, sorry. i'm not punching the line of saying that all guys are like that, but, most of the cases, they are.

the kind of people you need to be extra careful are the ones who move in group. i mean, if you ever encounter a situation like this: "you accepted a request from a stranger, and then suddenly, more unknown guys wanted to exchange contact details with you."; then, you must keep your guard high. i usually fell into this stupid game whenever i accepted a friend request from a person whose name is the same like any of my existing friends. ishk.

what these people did was, they tried to find a girl, an easy one. they can find hundreds of girls on the net and request to be the girl's friends. These kind of guys would try to start a conversation with you, using different greetings, e.g. hai, i, ai, slam, salam, hello, ello~, ellop. Well, to be honest, to those i'm not so sure who they were, i just ignored their 'ice-breaking' session LOL. but, when they gave me salam, as in "salam", "slam", "askum", i just sincerely paid the greetings back....ceh, am i that innocent?ceh

so, when these i-don-have-better-things-to-do-than-find-an-easy-chick kind of people realized that i would response to those kind of islamic greetings, they started to attack like a group of vultures. i hate them. cis, they used the 'salam' just to get me acting like an idiot. and i could sense as if they were smiling broadly whenever a reply from the girl reached their chat box. cis. hampeh betul. answering the salam, for me, i make it as a priority. so, please la don't use the 'salam' for evil intention, coz u didn't mean the peace greetings you said!

whenever the conversation started, they will try to sound as fun as possible. but, once you replied coldly, they would started to sulk. easily. when you reply like "x knal. sorry", they would said something like this, "mmg la x knal. sebab tu saye add nk knal."

ahh~~~yawn.i don have time for this. so i just let the person on the other end of line waiting. sorry, the excuse you made up just now was too ..... vague. n he excused himself from chatting with me in the next few seconds. oya! the act didn't stop there. not long after that, another guy gave you another 'salam'. you replied the salam only.... and should change your shoutout/status. i did. i said, "Wut the...ishk, apekah..? to sape2 yg berkenaan; jgn main2 ar. satgi duk main2 passing2 plak...Ya Allah, lindungi aku dari fitnah manusia dan makhluk."

all the nonsense stopped there. Alhamdulillah. So, girls, just be aware, OK. It's your dignity you're trying to protect.